Author: healthinsurance

  • Awards – Best Dentists in the UK

    Below we’ve rounded up some of the UK’s best dentists The list will contain 2022’s most influential and award-winning dentists that many of our readers should consider if they seek cosmetic dental work. Award-winning practices that are known for their star-quality treatments: Here are some of the UK’s most recommended and recognised dentists Recent winners…

  • How to find the ideal dentist for you

    How to find the ideal dentist for you

    Having a healthy smile is always a great asset; teeth have such a significant role throughout our lives that’s why keeping pristine oral care is essential. People don’t stress the importance of their dentist; however, finding the right dentist can be challenging for some. You will want to consider the following when selecting the most…

  • Sleeping problems?

    Sleeping problems?

    A Study: Missing Teeth & Sleep Problems According to a new Japanese study, those who care better for their teeth are less likely to suffer from insomnia-related problems or sleep apnea. The research was published in the journal Sleep Medicine discovered that patients who had fewer missing teeth experienced less-than-optimal insomnia. The cause of this…

  • Poor Oral hygiene effects one in three adults

    Poor Oral hygiene effects one in three adults

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  • Cosmetic Dental Treatments

    Cosmetic Dental Treatments

    Dental Veneers & Bonding Dental Veneers are designed to help with chipped, cracked, broken, or discoloured teeth. We also offer dental bonding as part of our cosmetic dentistry services; this is perfect for individuals’ whose teeth have minor aesthetic flaws. Our initial consultation will look at the results you want to achieve so that we…

  • Treatments for your back pain

    Treatments for your back pain

    Acupuncture is incorporated in general medicine A visit to an acupuncture practitioner involves the same obligations as those applying to general medicine: asking the patient questions to determine the problem, physical examinations, and prescriptions for analyses or X-rays if necessary. Please contact us for more information. The practitioner then examines the Chinese pulse on the…

  • Host the Best Staff Events Ever!

    Host the Best Staff Events Ever!

      Whether you are a small business or a huge international company when it comes to looking after your staff it’s important to get it right. Staff entertainment, parties and conferences are key here. Whilst the overall cost may seem high the cost per head represents true value for money. These points will help you…

  • Get Work-life balance right to maximise productivity

    Get Work-life balance right to maximise productivity

    Work-Life Balance Work-life balance – splitting your time and energy between work and other important aspects of your life – is important for employee engagement, and individuals who do not manage this balance are at risk of burnout or demotivation. However, Aon Hewitt employee engagement research suggests that work-life balance often isn’t the main driver…

  • Manage Health and safety at work

    Manage Health and safety at work

    Health & Safety There are plenty of stories in the media along the lines of health and safety gone mad which highlight sometimes strange and petty restrictions that are supposedly put in place by various regulatory bodies. In fact, many of these often turn out to be urban myths and even the ones that are…

  • Flexible Benefits for Employers?

    Flexible Benefits for Employers?

    Parental Leave You often hear managers or employers shouting “what, they’re off again!” but flexibility in the workplace and the way that we manage employees and the ways in which they work , if dealt with in a fair and proactive manner, can be a great benefit rather than a hindrance to organisations. There are…